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Jenine Lurie
Feb 4
Day Tours
Who says your day can’t begin with Champagne, caviar and foie gras? I say that it can, and will on A Taste of Gascony tour! Today we had...

Jenine Lurie
Jan 29
Fate sometimes has it when you are turned away from the packed village bistro because you did not make a lunch reservation and the only...

Jenine Lurie
Jan 28
Escargot is the gateway into French food, lord knows I’ve had a ton of it and can not resist when I see it on a menu. It’s that dish that...

Jenine Lurie
Jan 27
Baking Workshop
We had the great honor and pleasure to learn from the owner and Master baker of the Mendez-nouven Boulangerie-pâtisserie  how to make...

Jenine Lurie
Jan 27
Coquille Saint-Jacques
At the Victor Hugo Market in Toulouse Someone got me really obsessed on the preparation and various styles of Coquille Saint-Jacques. One...
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